113 & 114, Sharon Bethel Worship Center,
Opp. Green Meadows Apartment,
Kurudu Sonnenahalli Road,
Kadugodi P.O.,
Bangalore – 560 067.
Cell # 91 944 9890493
e-mail : ipcbethelvision@gmail.com


Donation Details

IPC Bethel Vision (IPCBV) does not have a foreign currency account (FCA). Hence, transfer of funds in foreign currency is prohibited. However, direct transfer of foreign currency funds from NRE account is possible to the account of IPCBV as per the Bank details below:

IPC Bethel Vision
Federal Bank A/c No. 147101 000 71602
Dommasandra (Bangalore East) Branch
Bangalore – 560 049, Karnataka State.

IFSC: FDRL0002165

However, donation in both foreign and Indian currency can be transferred to the following saving account of the Founder President, Pr. Dr. Thomas George, who in turn, can transfer
the same to the account of IPCBV and receipt will be issued to the donor.:

Thomas George
Federal Bank A/c No. 147101 000 46893
Dommasandra (Bangalore East) Branch
Bangalore – 560 049, Karnataka State

IFSC code: FDRL0002165

Support by way of cheque in Indian currency may be sent in the name of IPC Bethel Vision and foreign currency in the name of Thomas George as per the address on the top under intimation either by email to ipcbethelvision@gmail.com / sharonbethelworshipcenter@gmail.com or by phone +91 9449890493.

“Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (II Corinthians 9:7)