Br.Anish & Br.Geevar addressing Church members

Br. Anish (Right) & Br.Geevar (Left)

Br. Geevar (Left) & Br.Ajeesh (Right)

IPC Bethel Vision Presents Excel VBS 2015

VBS 2015 Final Day

VBS 2015 - Rally

VBS 2015 Teachers

Few new students joined the Sunday school following the Xmas program



Bethel Christmas Program 2014









Bethel Vision Dedication Meeting

Pr.V.D.John had- cut the ribbon,-Pr.-T.-C.-Thomas-dedicated-the-sanctuary, Pr.K.S.Samuel delivered the message and Pr.Yeswin Varghese did the translation

Pr.V.D.John had cut the ribbon, Pr. T. C. Thomas dedicated the sanctuary, Pr.K.S.Samuel delivered the message and Pr.Yeswin Varghese did the translation


Pr. T.C.Thomas Dedicates the Sanctuary

Pr. T.C.Thomas Dedicates the Sanctuary


Tamil pastor Lawrence on the left and Kannada pastor Vishwanath on the right side of Pastor

Tamil pastor Lawrence on the left and Kannada pastor Vishwanath on the right side of Pastor



Father of Pr. Thomas George hands over a token of love to our loving contractor Mr. Saji Thomas Parel, who completed the building without waiting for the-balance payment of Rs. 29 lacs


The sanctuary dedication started with prayer by Evg. George

The sanctuary dedication started with prayer by Evg. George


IPC Bethel Vision Building

IPC Bethel Vision Building


1st Sunday worship service after the church dedication

1st Sunday worship service after the church dedication


Sisters ready for serving the food

Sisters ready for serving the food


Having food after the first water baptism service in the new baptism pool

Having food after the first water baptism service in the new baptism pool

Dedication of IPC Bethel Vision Building

Many thanks for your prayers and supports which enabled us finalize a date for the dedication. It is November 9, 2013 at 6.00 PM. Please make it convenient to join us with family. Thank you for your continued prayers. God may bless you all. The location map is given below.

Construction in Progress 

By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the prayers of His saints, the construction for the sanctuary of the Lord is in progress. We started it in faith. The construction is undertaken by a God fearing team, namely “Parel Constructions”.  They started the construction even not waiting for an advance payment.  Moreover, they haven’t stopped the work at any time for not paying timely payments.   Many saints, relatives and friends are supporting this Godly cause both financially and spiritually. Lacs of rupees were loaned by some of them without asking for the repayment schedule. God may bless them all. Your continued valuable prayers and supports in this regard are solicited and appreciated.

Church Construction in Progress

Church Construction in Progress

 Bethel Vision conducts V.B.S during school vacations

Bethel Vision conducts V.B.S. (Vacation Behavioural School) during school vacations. They are taught good behaviours, respect for elders, co- students so that they may have a disciplinary life at school, home and in the community. They will learn to help not only each other but also at home, to the neighbors and to the community also. Children are taught various arts and crafts activities, games, story telling and singing. These activities will set as a foundation for all their future endeavors.

VBS 2014

VBS 2014

VBS 2012

VBS 2012

VBS 2012

VBS 2012

Sunday School

IPC Bethel Vision train and mould children according to the Word of God which in turn make them channels of blessings in their family, society, and wherever they go. A dedicated team devote their time for this cause.

Sunday School

Sunday School

Purchased Plot for IPC Bethel Vision  

Bethel Vision aims to uplift the people in need, helping them to understand the love of God, praying for the sick, etc. Also it is involved in conducting vocational training center, counseling and guidance along with other humanitarian services. After two decades of God’s ministry with a secular job in a reputed company in Middle East.  Pr. Thomas George resigned the secular job as per the guidance of His unique master Jesus Christ, to find and pioneer in a remote area in Karnataka. God took him to the right place which was conforming to his Godly vision. With men of God of similar vision, started the ministry of God in a village called Kodegahalli, not knowing anybody over there. It was, at the outset, difficult to get a rental house to kneel down before God. However, the Almighty God made a miracle by providing a new building with full freedom on rent. God exalted His name in this area which resulted in a gathering of few people, worshiping the Lord in four languages, namely Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam & English.   God answered the prayers of saints and enabled IPC Bethel Vision to buy a land for constructing a sanctuary for Him. The construction started in faith for an estimated cost of IRS 50 lacs plus.  Your valuable prayers and financial supports are solicited for this cause.

Land Breaking

Land Breaking by Pr. T.D.Thomas